Friday, November 27, 2020

Left v Right, Quantum Magic Squares

     Oh look, quantum magic squares,” squealed the right-brain.    

    The left-brain just sighed. "You just like it because it has the word ‘quantum’ in it.”  
    I like ‘quantum’. Who doesn’t? It's practically a magic word.”  
    “Do you even know what a magic square is?”  
    “I got an ‘A’ in calculus. Of course, I don’t know what a magic square is.”  
    “Shouldn’t you.”  
    “I do now. It's in the second paragraph. Am I supposed to know everything, the sum total of human knowledge since recorded history?”  
    “Why do I even listen to you. You’re always dragging me down.”  
    “What are you doing now?”  
    “Looking up ‘matrix’.”  
    “You should definitely know that word.”  
    “Get lost. At least I’m learning something.”  
    “You should have learned it the first time.”  
    “Yeah, and I should have paid more attention in spelling class but here we are.”  
    “Have you finished reading?”  
    “I am googling something called Birkhoff's Theorem. Oh, that helped a lot. Let me look up some more words and then I want to read it over again till I get it. Got it.”  
    “You really got it?” 

    “It’s a complicated subject.”  
    “I got a lot of it.”  
    “So, what’s the purpose? Do you want to be a recreational mathematician?”  
    “No. There are other cool things to look at.”  
    “Too bad. You disappoint me. If we ever learned to work together, we could take over the world or at least star in one of those YouTube science channels.”   
    “I’ll tell you this Brain. I’ll bring it up randomly in a conversation making myself look smarter than I really am.”  
    “Not a bad idea Pinky”  
    “Thank you. I knew you would approve.”  
    “So, what do you want to do now.”  
    “Let’s have wine, chips, cookies, and watch a sitcom we seen plenty of times.”  
    “Sounds good to me.” 

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